Introducing the . . . Branddroid!

an·droid (ăn′droid′) 1. adj. Possessing human features. 2. n. A mobile robot or automaton, especially one that resembles a human.

I took a trip down the winding steps to the Daake secret laboratory late one night and created something amazing. Cue the spooky music, flashes of lightning, the crack of thunder and the smell of sulfur. It . . . is . . . the . . . “Branddroid” (insert spinal chills here) – a half-brand, half-human, living, functioning entity.

OK, so the one thing unique about my creation is the name, Branddroid. The idea is something I have witnessed many times: People want to be brands. At the same time, brands want to be people.

After all, a brand has life. Like people, each brand has a distinct personality. It has a purpose. It must continually evolve and adapt in order to retain strength and relevance.

The Branddroid is my name for describing the 50/50 relationship between brands and people. It is a symbiotic, yin and yang sort of relationship. Complementary. Connected. Interdependent. Mutually beneficial. Fertile.

Brands are nothing without people. People, in turn, select brands to make a statement about who they are, what they value, their goals and beliefs. Their humanity. Some people drive Hummers. Some people wouldn’t be caught dead in one. Some people wear fur. Others won’t even wear leather. Every one of these persons then connects with a brand. And the brand, in turn, derives humanity by representing what its human believes.

People also connect with a brand because the brand goes further than they can. My idea of a Branddroid simply amplifies that connection and interdependence. The human heart and the brand expression. The human instinct and the brand’s logic. Human soul tempered by brand science. Desire and data. Emotion and evidence. Feeling and fact. Doubt and confidence.Beauty and balance. The Branddroid.


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