CPR for Your Healthcare Website

I don’t want to be treated like a number when it comes to my healthcare. I am a person. Look at me. Get to know me. Then, once you know me, maybe you’ll try harder for me. You won’t forget about me. You will care about me. You will want to help me.

And, because I am a person, I have the ability to think and make decisions. I have the capacity for knowledge and the desire to learn. I have the Internet, and medical websites, and the ability to seek out information and contact specialists and experts halfway around the world.

When I have the ability to travel as fast as I can type and click, why do so many healthcare websites just sit there?

People today aren’t content with knowing the medical basics. If I were to face a life-challenging diagnosis tomorrow, by the very next day I would be learning more about it. I would be seeking expertise and advice from every online source available. I would search out a medical center, a doctor, a specialist or a surgeon who I feel is best for me. A person or clinic is very good at what they do who would connect with me as an individual.

That’s what medical websites need to do. Like a critical care patient, they need to take an honest look at their websites and realize the urgency of their online failings. They need a new version of CPR – Create Personal Relationships.

The most useful medical websites today are content-driven and interactive. They have fewer words but provide more information. They have videos and graphic interpretations, surgical how-tos detailing conditions and treatments and therapies. And, the entire time I am viewing these high-quality video clips and physician presentations, I feel like every bit of information is intended just for me. To satisfy my needs. To allay my fears. To fuel my hope.

That is how these amazing websites make a lasting connection with me. At that same moment, they are connecting with a hundred other people just like me on the level that matters most when it comes to health.



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