Engagement Propels Healthcare Rebranding

Is everyone who works for your healthcare organization a woman? Is everyone right-handed? Were they all born locally? Are they all vegetarians? Do they all drive purple cars?

Not likely.

That’s because a healthcare workforce is diverse. Each person is unique. Each has a distinctive role. Each has a different set of experiences and skills shaped by those experiences. Each has a different perspective – and an opinion to match.

Recognizing the diversity of your organization is essential when rebranding. Transforming a healthcare organization is huge, and moving a project this big forward requires everyone pulling together.

Getting everyone moving in the same direction means including them throughout the rebranding process. No, not all of the 10,000 people you employ, but certainly a broad cross-section representing every layer of the organization, from the top administrators to the clinical service chiefs all the way to the foodservice and maintenance divisions. Think of these various elements as the bones that give your organization structure, the muscle that gives you strength and the skin that holds it all together. You need each component in order to function every day. And, you need them on board to achieve your vision.

Involving representatives of these diverse aspects of your organization creates engagement. It makes those you enlist proud to speak for their peers, and it establishes them as leaders and liaisons when they take ideas back to the larger groups they represent.

You got to where you are today by realizing the value of diversity. Remember its value when you think about tomorrow.

Unless you envision a parking lot full of purple cars.  


Brand Identity & Healthcare Integration


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