Is Your Brand a Good Fit for Its Genes?

Ask anyone who has ever shopped for a pair. Blue jeans aren’t one-size-fits-all. Neither are human genes, the segments of DNA that cling to our chromosomes and send out the instructions to the proteins that eventually distinguish our unique physical features. Genes are the first things we inherited from our parents. That’s why I am not the same person as you. The fact that our genes tell a story is one of the reasons medicine is embracing the study of genomics.

Genomics is the process of gene sequencing that can reveal all kinds of things: the kind of drugs best suited to us when we’re sick, the cancers we may be susceptible to developing and therefore should be among our regular tests, and on and on. Gene sequencing is like unlocking the private diary of our life – and finding some of the future pages already penciled in.

We propose that brands have genes, too. We’ve previously discussed how brands have a life, how they evolve, how they have personality and unique qualities. Your brand inherited its genes from its founders, its parents. Since Day One, there has been a distinct course, purpose and mission programmed into its very DNA. Unfortunately, over time that preprogramming may have been forgotten, pushed aside, like a black-and-white photo stuck in a shoebox.

Just as medicine is tapping into the treasure trove of information our genes contain, rebranding can go beneath the surface to reveal the preprogramming within your brand’s genes. Has your organization become what its parents had in mind? Is it taking full advantage of its unique strengths and qualities? Has it grown into the company it is meant to be or is there more you can do to help?

A comprehensive, personalized rebranding, one that takes a close look at your brand’s genetic building blocks, would answer those questions – and help focus your organization on its true destiny.


Engagement Propels Healthcare Rebranding


Rebranding Signals Higher Level of Care