What is a brand?

If you ask different people what a brand is, you’ll get various answers. Many would say it’s a logo. Others might say it is the visual representation of an organization’s past, present, and future. Some would say that it is a combination of mission, values, and objectives. And a few might even recognize a brand as a defining statement — the stand an organization takes in the world.

Seasoned leaders know that a brand is all those things and more.

A brand is your organization’s reputation, both internally and externally. It is a living, evolving opinion. It speaks to all you’ve done, both assumed and real, and what you’ve promised to do in the future. And it says it all through brand expressions.

Your logo, symbol, and taglines are the most observable brand elements, along with signage, websites, and environments. But branding isn’t just people putting your logo on things; it’s putting feelings inside people.

Doing this takes a mix that is part strategy, part culture, and most certainly, part vision. The brand should represent what you think, what you believe, your experiences, and your aspirations. You know, feelings.

Most importantly, your brand is the people within your organization and your audience.

All of these are pieces of the branding puzzle. Appropriately assembled, they become your brand – your reputation – the feelings you leave to the world. They can be as soft or as loud as you’d like. Above all, they must be consistent and unique in the most obvious way. Which is another way to say you’re distinct and compelling. Remember, even though you’re looking at all of this very close up every day….your audience isn’t. Inconsistency breeds misunderstanding. Misunderstanding equals doubt in the world of branding (aka reputation). And doubt equals “No.”

What feelings does your brand evoke? Are they the feelings you hope people have? Are they true?

If you doubt the strength of the statement your brand is making, there is a proven solution: Rebranding.

Systemic institutional rebranding, when used as directional positioning and cultural motivation, is one of the most effective tools for a transformational leader. It is the means to remove barriers and galvanize your purpose along with thousands of employees. And it represents a tremendous investment of faith in the future.

Your brand is more than your tangible elements alone. It also is what people, internally and externally, say, think and feel about you. Because what your brand TRULY IS in the real world - is what they say when you’re not in the room. Your brand lives in the minds of your stakeholders.

Rebranding is the best way to change that conversation. The best way to spark excitement, renew interest and make connections. To put an exclamation mark on the past. To signal a new era. To realize strategic goals and instill confidence that makes you believe in the future and your place in it.


At pivotal moments, rebranding is the most effective way for leaders to signal significant change. Are you at a pivotal moment? Drop us a line, and we'll be in touch.


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