Using archetypes to find your brand voice

Brands are successful when they are recognizable and provide outstanding user experiences at all touchpoints, whether a website, social media, point of sale, marketing, or signage. A clearly defined brand personality ensures a consistent and unique encounter between the brand and the user.

A brand can take on human-like qualities, personality, and tone of voice. By taking time to define these elements, it's easier for internal teams to confidently create materials that stay aligned with the brand. 

Within three or four sentences, the feel of what your brand sounds like should give greater confidence to anyone responsible for expressing it.

How do you define your brand personality/voice?

Here at Daake, we utilize classic personality archetypes to help companies understand who they are and what human characteristics they possess.

Nearly every story you read or movie you watch includes these similar character types that we've come to know and understand. They provide a shortcut to meaning and connection, which is why they are effective for us because brands can also fall into one of these categories.

A "Lover" values a sense of connection and deep appreciation. The "Hero" leans into action and has strong determination. By learning about a company's values, you can begin to picture where they might fit in.

Harley-Davidson is a perfect example of a brand that strikes a tone perfectly in line with its personality.

Strong, confident, and aggressive. Harley-Davidson are the prototypical "Rebel" archetype that can appeal to those same qualities in its customers, almost challenging them to be worthy of handling one of their motorcycles. 

They show their personality through a unique and consistent tone of voice that speaks well to their target audiences. It resonates well with rebellious, bold, and fiercely independent customers (or even the "wanna-be"). Everything about their marketing evokes confidence, freedom, patriotism, and masculinity. Just look at their website and the headlines they use.

People inherently understand these archetype qualities and behaviors. And that's why they are such great tool companies who are rebranding or auditing their brand to help define their brand personality and create a Brandscape for how the brand should look and sound.


At pivotal moments, rebranding is the most effective way for leaders to signal significant change. Are you at a pivotal moment? Drop us a line, and we'll be in touch.


What is branding?


What is a brand?