Sifting through data to find a clear vision

There’s an old saying about a person who can’t see the forest for the trees. It means people often place too much emphasis on the thousands of little details, the trees, and fail to see the larger issue, the forest. They become so overwhelmed that they can’t discern the big picture.

The same thing can happen in the research phase of a rebrand. Focus groups, surveys, and interviews are great ways to gather information and opinions, but how much is too much?


Balancing the scales. 

In formulating the vision for a rebrand, being fair and balanced is crucial. Decision-makers have to listen to the information that was gathered without prejudice. 

The research phase of a rebrand is intended to report without bias what was heard and find patterns. Words that repeat. A dominant opinion. Common suggestions. 

Then it is up to those involved to weigh in and provide expertise on what was heard the most and what information best enables you to address the problem and come to a solution.

Keep the insight in sight. 

OK, so you’ve assembled a wealth of information. You’ve sorted the good from the bad. But there’s still way more information in front of you than answers. So in any BIG data pool, the challenge today is discovering the insight buried there.

To find the right answers, you need to ask the right questions:

• Here’s what we heard, but what does this mean?

• How can this align with our leadership’s intentions?

• How can we use this information to aim ourselves toward success given the current competitive landscape, government regulations, public opinion and other qualifiers?

What you’re looking for here is insight. That combination of experience, perception and gut feelings has helped you get where you are today. This is the insight that will get you where you want to be tomorrow.


Clearing the way.

After you’ve seen the trees and even cut a few down, you’re well on your way to formulating your vision. Remember, this a process that takes time and give and take.

There isn’t a mathematical formula. It’s more like clay and a potter’s wheel. It changes as it progresses and is transformed by each touch. There are always going to be muddy areas that are shaped and adapted to fit the leadership’s vision. And throughout the process, the little details have to be absorbed into the much larger vision in order to move ahead.

Otherwise, you’re just going to stay lost in the woods.


At pivotal moments, rebranding is the most effective way for leaders to signal significant change. Are you at a pivotal moment? Drop us a line, and we'll be in touch.


Allow your audience to take the lead


Branding During a Recession