Allow your audience to take the lead

In a previous blog post, we helped you identify and clearly articulate your core values in a way that aligns with your audience. In some ways, that’s the easy part. Putting your brand into the hands of consumers and letting go (to a certain degree) is often the hardest for leaders to embrace. 

Your brand strategy will provide tools to help you guide the conversation but your actions combined with advertising, marketing and public relations will ultimately create the customer experience–the content that will be expressed in a variety of platforms. Brands have an opportunity to invite consumers into their world through social media, your website, in-person experiences and others. Before adopting all of the possible ways people can talk about your brand, consider what methods best reflect your brand strategy and which are most meaningful to your audience.

Netflix uses highly intentional personalization of its platform to empower consumers. Sephora focuses heavily on gaining customer feedback and being transparent about how the company utilizes the information to make changes and improve. Other brands have invested heavily in chatbots and other engagement technology to connect online and give customers a voice. All of these strategies are focused on elevating the customer experience which often translates to positive comments across review sites, social media platforms and we can’t ignore the power of word-of-mouth marketing.

Look for ways to extend an invitation for them to participate and create a two-way conversation, meaning, if you ask them to comment on your Instagram account, have the right processes and people in place to reciprocate. Staying engaged on review sites is another way your brand can interact with customers to enhance their experience and show that you’re listening and interested in supporting them. Consider how you’re connecting with consumers and look for ways to integrate your brand purpose and values, and demonstrate your appreciation for their attention and loyalty.

Recognizing the power consumers have in branding is imperative to building a meaningful and enduring brand.

This begins with your brand strategy and finding ways to link who are and what you stand for with the people who will care the most. Consider their values, behaviors and wants and be intentional in how you invite them to the table.

The reality is, word of mouth continues to trump all forms of marketing and advertising. Brands have the power to influence the words your customer chooses to hold as “truth” about you and how they share it with family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. The tools you can use to influence them are found in all of your brand touchpoints. Weave your values and how they resonate with your audiences in these spaces and you have a stronger ability to help shape what your brand becomes in theirs (and others) hearts and minds.


At pivotal moments, rebranding is the most effective way for leaders to signal significant change. Are you at a pivotal moment? Drop us a line, and we'll be in touch.


How well do you know your brand? — PART I


Sifting through data to find a clear vision