Why Brand Guidelines Matter
A quality fishing pole doesn’t come with a set of instructions. But it should. There are enough “dos,” “don’ts” and “never-evers” about fishing to fill a good-sized book. That’s why most people who fish learned how from someone else. They were taught how to bait a hook, when to use a lure and what to do when they caught something. They learned the methods and procedures that would yield success – because fishing isn’t as simple as it looks.
Brands aren’t as simple as they look, either. More than a color palette, logo and taglines, brands are living entities with personalities. They are the visual expression of an organization’s goals and expertise, values and vision. They are unique and priceless – and this fact alone makes them worth protecting.
This is why brand guidelines are so important.
Rebranding is a process and it doesn’t end the moment the curtain is raised on a new identity. With that identity comes a distinct set of methods and practices, the guidelines for the brand’s usage going forward. Developed and assembled by the branding consultant, these are the “dos,” “don’ts” and “never-ever-evers” of your brand.
These formal, written guidelines give your brand its voice – the content and the tone of all your communications. It is what you say and how you say it. Brand guidelines promote a consistent voice across all channels to set your brand apart and create an enduring, recognizable connection with everyone you serve.
Because they are designed to guarantee consistency of use, brand guidelines are extremely detailed and cover every aspect of the brand’s use, from the size and placement of the logo in print advertisements to the proper amount of clear space around your symbol. They are rules and responsibilities spelled out clearly for use internally and externally. Once assembled, these identity and style guides are disseminated in printed form and made available on the Web, often in versions designated specifically for the media or external sources.
A brand is more than a symbol or a slogan, it is your identity. It represents your legacy of accomplishment, the value you offer today and your promise for the future. Proper usage and consistency, as outlined by comprehensive brand guidelines, will ensure the integrity of that brand message.
You wouldn’t want to go salmon fishing in Oregon with a bucket of worms. Without the right lures, the only thing you would catch is a cold.
Likewise, you wouldn’t want someone to publish your logo sideways just to fit the space. Maintaining a set of brand guidelines – and making certain people adhere to them – prevents that one from getting away.
Here are six of our favorite brand standards/guideline manuals: