Rebranding is Just the Beginning

When our first child was born, we experienced so much preparation. From Lamaze classes, decorating and furnishing a nursery, considering names for either gender (we didn’t find out in advance), to baby showers and deciding on cloth or disposable. All leading up to the incredible day our daughter was born. Such excitement at the hospital. Family and friends, gifts and flowers and balloons and toys. A huge celebration. Then the fitting of a car seat and the ride home from the hospital.

Once we got inside the house, Colleen and I looked at each other with the same blank expression. Now what?

So much had been made of the preparations right up to the delivery and arrival home, no one really told us what to do – or what to expect – once we had that baby all to ourselves. Luckily, thanks to Lamaze class, at least we remembered to breathe.

The rebranding experience can be like that. There is so much involved in the process that begins with the first meeting and continues right up to the celebratory grand reveal. Ideas. Concepts. Discussions. Choices. Decisions. Revisions. It’s exciting, almost overwhelming. But, once the curtain goes up and the applause dies down, then what?


A brand has a life of its own. It needs to be protected and nurtured. The protection begins with a set of formal brand guidelines. Your organization has a responsibility to protect its brand investment. That means using it properly and uniformly to ensure consistency of message. The more it is seen in the form it was intended, its recognition and equity will grow.

There are other elements of your rebrand that will continue to evolve. While its structure may remain constant, your website’s content needs to continually be refreshed. New features, videos and graphics will keep it valuable to users. Change it often.

In the weeks and months that follow the unveiling of your rebrand, your brand consultant and creative team will continue to be vital sources of information and advice. Like a trusted pediatrician, they’ve been down this road before. They know when it’s time to be patient – and when it’s time to react.

Your rebrand is your baby. Take care of its needs and it will thrive – and make you very proud. 


Daake Nationally Recognized for Excellence in Healthcare Marketing


Advice for Rebranding: Listen to the Doctor