
Hi, I’m Tina Stokes

I am a senior brand strategist for Daake. For as long as I can remember, words and the way people communicate has captivated me. I started writing stories before hitting double digits and joined the industry in 2002 as a writer/producer. I quickly fell in love with asking questions and learning the smallest detail about my clients, their products and audiences. The more I learned, the more I wanted to help brands become the best version of themselves. While I continue to write copy, I am incredibly passionate about developing the thinking behind the brand.

I am a proud Husker with a Bachelor of Journalism degree in advertising from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I spent the first 10 years of my career as a writer/producer at an agency, although I did spend some time as an in-house writer, too. These experiences gave me greater insight and appreciation for all sides of the marketing coin. I have also been fortunate to serve as an adjunct professor for UNL’s journalism program and love watching some of my former students excel in their careers. (I’ve even written for some of them over the last few years.)

Over the course of my 18-year career, I’ve worked with clients across the education, healthcare, financial, agriculture and technology industries, along with many others. I love solving problems to make a difference. And I’m grateful to work in an environment that allows me to learn something every day, to explore every idea… the good, bad and terrible… and to work alongside some crazy-talented professionals.

I don’t believe in being creative for creative’s sake, but I do believe in using creativity to connect with other humans on a deeper level.

Care enough to be vulnerable.


Lisa Healy, Accounts


Rob Heggen, Strategy