Pivot helps you game-plan your rebrand.

In 2021, somewhere in the middle of a post-lockdown conversation about "What's Next" at Daake, the germ of the idea that led to Pivot started mutating and spreading. What if?

What if we extend our hand, expertise and experience to brands and marketing departments in a new way? Let's put the proper process and tools into the hands of marketing departments that may be on the verge of a rebrand. Let's give them the power to get ahead of it with tried and true know-how and best practices.

And eventually, the Pivot Brand Change Master Class, led by Greg Daake, was launched in Feb. 2023. Built on his 25+ years of experience rebranding, the master class provides a definitive process and step-by-step rebrand preparation guide across 13 video lessons and our course workbook designed to test your knowledge, help you discover your guiding purpose and communication goals, and sell a plan of attack internally.

Here's why we think it might be exactly what you need:

Pivot contains a definitive process, sentiment, philosophies and terminology to powerfully guide leadership and managers through pivotal rebranding journeys. In a nutshell, this course allows a unique opportunity to engage with a top branding agency on your terms, and at your own pace.

Learn how to audit your brand.

Clarify your existing brand equity, competition and customer perception while diving deeper into your reason for the change and why it matters.

Prepare for a successful rebrand.

Gain the right tools for developing your new brand, including how it looks, feels, and extends into all facets of your business and communications.

Execute transformational change.

Orchestrate a clear plan for managing your new brand to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Access expert insights.

Get a fresh perspective and practical strategies that you may have yet to consider before to assist you in identifying improvement areas and developing a more effective branding strategy.

Get the best value.

Pivot offers a convenient and holistic way to gameplan your rebranding strategy.


If you’re ready to sign up or learn more about Pivot, go to pivotmasterclass.com


The complex decision making process


The positive effects rebranding has on company culture