How to create advocates in a rebrand

If you were asked to name the most important aspects of your brand, what are the first few words that come to mind? 

Is one of them "people?" If not, it should have been. The human element is what infuses a brand with energy. People who believe in a brand become its advocates. They give it relevance. They help it come alive.

A rebrand launch is your greatest one-time communication opportunity. Instead of the indifference that accompanies a brand's continued stagnation, the entire organization benefits tremendously from a vigorous churning of the brand waters. 

Unearth the heartbeat of your organization.

You can feel the internal excitement of a rebrand from the initial dialogue, presentations, and personal reflections. It can be energizing just starting the conversation about what your brand means and what it means to work for your organization.

The rebranding process provides many moments for the team to align and come together, from those first discussions to the launch event. And don't ignore the launch event. It can be a large, lavish affair simulcast to workstations throughout the organization or smaller, in-person gatherings at different locations. But, this event literally and figuratively brings people back together to share the vision, show key pieces of your new brand, and talk about what it means. This unveiling creates energy that permeates all layers, from management to the newest hire. 

It's often said that laughter is contagious. The same is true for passion and excitement. Show that you believe, and they will, too. And eventually, that belief will transform into action. Every person who stands behind your brand will become an advocate, further spreading your brand message to strengthen your position in the marketplace.

The gift of buy-in.

Hate change? A lot of people say they do. It isn't so much that people don't like change. They don't like being changed. They don't like being forced into something they don't understand. That is why creating buy-in is essential for a rebrand to be successful in shaping a supportive culture. Knowing the significant financial investment you've made in the rebrand, and how important its success is, it's time to invest in your people. 

Tap into the excitement of the new identity and what it symbolizes by presenting each member of your organization a gift bag. In it, place a water bottle, a coffee mug, a certificate for a discount on new work clothing, and maybe a fleece top adorned with the organization's new logo. These gifts just get people excited. It lets them promote the new brand and gives them something new to use and wear that they didn't have to immediately go out and purchase. They are enthused – and grateful. And, they feel a part of a new team. One team. A new culture.

Let your people signal the change for you.

People love knowing they heard something first. And they can’t wait to spread the news to others. So as the rebrand proves successful, every employee becomes an advocate, creating advocates of the customers and clients they connect with. 

An organization’s culture can really be seen and felt and shared. But, when silos and factions segment it, it sends a negative vibe that ripples out into the community. But, when it is a culture of unity, it instills pride internally and confidence externally.


At pivotal moments, rebranding is the most effective way for leaders to signal significant change. Are you at a pivotal moment? Drop us a line, and we'll be in touch.


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