Everyone’s voice should be heard in a rebrand

Because so much of your brand flows from within, that’s also your greatest source of strength in a rebrand. To succeed, a rebrand must involve your leaders and employees – a broad cross section that slices through every layer, from the longest-serving to the newest hires.

The moment you start listening to people throughout the organization – not just those closest to you – is the moment you begin to create valuable buy-in for the rebrand.

Encourage support rather than a mandate.

Everyone in your organization has something they stand for; something they hold dear. Overall, your organization has values and beliefs it stands for and holds dear. The magic lies where your people and your organization’s values and beliefs overlap.

Show everyone “what’s in it for me.” Host a series of co-creation workshops. Bring together people who represent various areas or divisions of your organization alongside the internal and external marketing teams. 

Create a dialogue and collaboration. Talk and listen. Then talk and listen some more. It will create a groundswell of support – something a mandate from above will rarely do.

A rebrand needs buy-in for optimum effectiveness.

Looking at your brand should be like looking in a mirror. Your brand needs to be an accurate reflection and projection of your organization. And with a rebrand, your entire organization should be able to see themselves in the new brand. Each person needs to understand and accept what the brand represents and so they can act as ambassadors for the rebrand internally and externally.

A rebrand’s best chance of succeeding comes when everyone clearly sees themselves as a vital part of the whole organization and its mission, values, vision and purpose. This isn’t something they can be told to do. They need to find it for themselves.


If your brand is at a pivotal moment? Do you need help facilitating internal discussion and aligning your team? Drop us a line, and we'll be in touch.


A brand evolution is often the right choice


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