Culture is everything in a healthcare rebrand

For a brand to thrive, it needs to be nurtured by a culture that embraces your organization’s values and shares its vision.

It’s all about the people.

If you were asked to name the most important aspects of a healthcare brand, what are the first few words that come to mind? Is one of them “people?” If not, it should have been. The human element is what infuses a brand with energy. People who believe in a brand become

its advocates. They give it relevance. They help it come alive.

You can have the most phenomenal logo, theme, color scheme, tagline, mission statement and marketing campaign in the universe, but if you don’t have people who live your brand, you might as well shove it all into a dumpster.

Of all the parts that make up a successful organization, culture is one of the most integral elements, and, for many healthcare entities, the most elusive. Part of the problem is historical. The healthcare industry has traditionally been defined by its professional silos. Often there needs to be a unifying factor or glue to bind people together. Enter the rebrand.



The best way to invigorate and unify a healthcare organization’s culture is rebranding. Dismantling traditional silos brings care and people together, sparks collaboration, generates innovative treatments, fuels discovery and improves outcomes. Unification of purpose and mission creates pride across an organization.

Rebranding is a powerful tool. In the right hands, it can transform the culture and move the organization forward while building upon its history and tradition. Rebranding illustrates a new path and vision while serving as the focal point to guide an organization through a transformational period. It’s a rejuvenation of the spirit for the organization and helps bulldoze silos in the culture.

The gift of buy-in

Hate change? A lot of people say they do.

It isn’t so much that people don’t like change. They don’t like being changed. They don’t want to be forced into something they don’t understand. That is why creating buy-in is essential for a rebrand to be successful in shaping a supportive culture.

The culture you have today wasn’t created overnight. Likewise, the culture you hope to make won’t come about with the flick of a switch or the unveiling of a new logo. Your culture change will take time. But you can help ensure its acceptance by creating buy-in. The people in your organization want to know, “What’s in it for me?” You can start by explaining the new roles, responsibilities and opportunities that a merger, expansion, or new vision will create.

Tap into the excitement of the new identity and what it symbolizes by presenting each member of your organization with a gift bag. In it, place a water bottle, a coffee mug, a certificate for a discount on new work clothing, maybe a fleece top – or a new set of scrubs – each adorned with the organization’s new logo. In the same instant, they are excited by the new brand; they are given something new to wear/use that they don’t have to go out and purchase immediately. 

They are enthused – and grateful. And they feel a part of a new team. 

One team. And a new culture.


At pivotal moments, rebranding is the most effective way for leaders to signal significant change. Are you at a pivotal moment? Drop us a line, and we'll be in touch.


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