Covid-19: A Pivotal-Moment If There Ever Was One

A few days ago I was on a Zoom call with 50 people from around the world. All but three of us live outside of the United States. It’s the first time in my life (all our lives, really) that the planet has one thing in common: a pandemic. 

Suffering and death are tragic. The businesses and relationships experiencing stress, uncertainty, and destruction are being felt by all of us.

If you’re like me, you’re searching for the proverbial silver lining.

Have you ever felt people being more open? Have you ever felt like the whole world is really present? The whole world is, maybe for once, living in the moment with the appropriate perspective (well, except for POTUS). 

The world feels awake and ready for change.

There’s a lot of perspectives floating around regarding brands and what they should be doing right now. Here’s mine: brands are who people are. They feel human, act human, and and should behave that way — probably now more than ever. 

I believe brands have the opportunity to help design the way FORWARD.

In the 100-year history of branding, we’ve evolved from (a) What it is, (b) what it does, (c) how it benefits consumers, (d) how it makes consumers feel, (e) becoming your business’ identity… so what’s next? 

Next could be: Branding as way to become the best version of yourself

The tables might have just turned. For a while now, branding has been what they (the customer) says and not what the brand says. Brands have been trying to design customers (identifying “tribes”, developing personas, etc.). Perhaps the next evolution empowers the customer to design the brand. This is an environment where they’re not just studied and labeled; rather, they’re fully invited into the conversation. If this comes true, it’s a pivotal moment for any business, regardless of shape or size. 

Stop and listen to your customer, your country — the world. Be present with them. Think beyond product or service to find ways you can truly help them become the best version of THEMSELVES. So that it’s less about you (loan forgiveness and coupons are not the answer) and all about the people. Together, we must design the way FORWARD. Are you ready?

With peace, love, and happiness… We must design our way forward. 


Please Don’t Pandemicize Your Brand: Marketing in the Time of COVID-19


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