
Hi, I’m Lisa Healy

I’m an Account Director at Daake. When I was in school, I loved all the really nerdy stuff. Book clubs, Space Camp, Academic Decathlon, intramural bowling, Constitutional Congress, but my all-time favorite nerdy activity was Future Problem Solvers of America. We would get these giant problems like how to colonize space or solve illiteracy and use creativity and critical thinking to come up with a solution. Doesn’t that sound like fun?

I love solving problems, big and small. From crossword puzzles to how to get the most bang out of a budget. So many problems in our business can be solved simply by listening to people. Listening to what motivates them, what their pain points are and what they really care about. 

The really cool thing about our business is once we know that, we can tap into a visual language that most people don’t even realize they know until they see it. We tell stories that can touch your heart or tickle your funny bone. Belly laughs are even better.

And the best part of it is I get to do all this while working for and with the most amazing, caring, hilarious, talented and generous people around.

Say “yes” more than “no.”


Susan Linde, Director


Tina Stokes, Strategy